Jadwal kapal pelni ke belitung
Jadwal kapal pelni ke belitung

jadwal kapal pelni ke belitung

Jalur Sutra benua membagi menjadi jalur utara dan selatan begitu beliau meluas dari pusat perdagangan Cina Utara dan Cina Selatan, rute utara melewati Bulgar- Kipchak ke Eropa Timur dan Semenanjung Crimea, dan dari sana menuju ke Laut Hitam, Laut Marmara, dan Balkan ke Venezia rute selatan melewati Turkestan- Khorasan menuju Mesopotamia dan Anatolia, dan selanjutnya ke Antiokia di Selatan Anatolia menuju ke Laut Tengah atau melewati Levant ke Mesir dan Afrika Utara. Istilah 'jalur sutra' pertama kali dipergunakan oleh geografer Jerman Ferdinand von Richthofen pada zaman ke-19 karena komoditas perdagangan dari Cina yang banyak berupa sutra. Pertukaran ini paling penting tak hanya untuk pengembangan kebudayaan Cina, India dan Roma namun juga merupakan landasan dari dunia modern. Pengaruhnya terbawa sampai ke Korea dan Jepang.

jadwal kapal pelni ke belitung

There are bus, bicycle, mini-train, sky lift, and aeromovel.Jalur Sutra ( Hanzi tradisional: 絲綢之路 Hanzi yang Disederhanakan: 丝绸之路 pinyin: sī chóu zhī lù, bahasa Persia راه ابریشم Râh-e Abrisham) adalah sebuah jalur perdagangan melewati Asia Selatan yang dilalui oleh karavan dan kapal laut, dan menghubungkan Chang'an, Republik Rakyat Cina, dengan Antiokhia, Suriah, dan juga tempat lainnya. In this park, visitors have many choices of various type transportaion for sightseeing. For example, from Central Jakarta, TMII is about 25 kilometers away, five kilometers, if you're in Halim Perdana Kusuma airport (local airport). The park can easily reach by public or private transport. Taman Mini Indonesia Indah open daily, seven days in a week from 8 am - 5 pm. the new Indonesian Chinese pavilion and a Confucian temple is currently being built within the park. Also since Indonesia now consist of 33 provinces, currently the new province pavilions of Bangka Belitung, Banten, West Sulawesi, North Maluku, Gorontalo, and West Papua is being built in northeast part of the park.Īfter the recognition of Indonesian Chinese culture as the integral part of Indonesian culture in 2000. But after the secession of East Timor from Indonesia in 2002, the East Timor pavilion changed its status to become the Museum of East Timor. Since 1975 until 2000s, the original design of TMII consist of a model of the houses from the 27 provinces of Indonesia, including East Timor. The venues, which are situated around the main lake in a similar fashion to the different islands of the Indonesian archipelago, are thematically divided into six areas in respect to the main islands of Indonesia Java, Sumatra, Kalimantan (Borneo), Sulawesi, the Lesser Sunda Islands, Maluku and Papua. TMII attempted not only to reconstruct the homes of the various provinces, called anjungan but also to create a realistic model of the environment and shelters of the various people of Indonesia. Since each Indonesian province maintains its own unique and distinct cultures, shelters, attire and dialects, TMII built a model of each of the houses from Indonesian provinces. The concept of this culture-based recreational area was taken from the fact that Indonesia has unparalled richness and diversity from many different aspects. The project called Indonesian Miniature Project was started by Harapan Kita Foundation in 1972. Through this recreational site, she hoped more Indonesian people will have more national pride than before. The idea came out at a convention on 8 Cendana Street at March 13, 1970. Late Indonesia First Lady, Siti Hartinah Soeharto (best known as Tien Sohearto), originally, was the first person who has idea to build the smaller scale of Indonesia. Located in Pondok Gede village, East Jakarta municipality, Taman Mini Indonesia Indah covers 120 hectares and have play a role as a synopsis of Indonesian culture, with virtually all aspects of daily life in Indonesia's 26 (in 1975) provinces encapsulated in separate pavilions with the collections of architecture, clothing, dances and traditions are all depicted impeccably.Īpart from that, there is a lake with a miniature of the archipelago in the middle of it, cable cars, museums, a theater called the Theatre of My Homeland (Theater Tanah Airku) and other recreational facilities which make TMII one of the most popular tourist destinations in the city.

jadwal kapal pelni ke belitung

So the park is an ideal spot for week-end family outing and also international tourist who did not have enough time to explore Indonesia. One of spectacular Jakarta's recreation and educational place is Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII) or Beautiful Indonesia Miniature Park (literally translated) or popular as Indonesia in a miniature.

Jadwal kapal pelni ke belitung